Modern saddles all try to achieve many common goals that revolve around the precepts of comfort and modern convenience. The problem is that, while some achieve this through new features, they are often poorly executed and lead to a reduction in durability.

When buying a saddle, you have to take into consideration its lifespan. A saddle is an investment. Here are a few great reasons why you should start by looking at Bates saddles.

The features and benefits of this line are too extensive to list here, but we’ll detail a few. The heart of any saddle is the tree. Bates saddles come with their patented Elastiflex Tree which is flexible all while maintaining a rigid head.

The best proof that this is a quality tree is that it is guaranteed to last for the lifetime of the product.One of the features that most riders praise is the CAIR system in the saddle’s seat. The CAIR system is a series of air panels within the seat that allow for the even distribution of weight.

You can say goodbye to pressure points! The technology also increases the surface area that is making close contact with the horse, allowing for ultimate control.

The final favorite feature of this saddle line is the Easy-Change gullet system that comes with many of the models. In just six easy steps, this system allows you to fit the saddle perfectly to your horse, whether it is a new horse altogether or even if your current horse is just getting stronger.

Bates makes many types of saddles, including an all-purpose, close contact, dressage, elevation, and many more. Chances are, there’s a Bates saddle that is perfect for your riding style and specialty.The specialty dressage saddle, for example, combines the easy change gullet system and other features that allow for perfect dressage position. There is a world of difference when attempting this type of riding with a Bates saddle and with a competitor.

This saddle has a more natural feel that allows the rider to get close to the horse without feeling awkward or overly strained.This company makes so many great saddles that it’s truly hard to pick the one that is perfect for you. Thankfully, all of the saddles in the line are great. Once people find the saddle that they like in this line, they tend to stick to it for life.

